Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Too Busy!!!!

I come across day in and day out with people unwilling to do the needful. They claim they're busy. Kind of frustrating for me. I feel only time one is too busy to do something, is when one doesn't want to do it badly enough. Its question of priorities.

Accordingly if I don't want to do something, or don't do it, I generally try and avoid saying that I'm too busy. I know in my heart that I either forgot about it or really didn't just want to do it.

Surprisingly most of the time its not me complaining that I'm busy. Its people telling me that I'm doing too many things. As if that makes the value of each individual piece of work, project or task any less inspired and well done. They kind of figure that they can disconsider my contribution because I'm anyway contributing for so many things. One credit stolen, withheld or discounted for from me isn't going to harm me is it!...

Well it does, not me.. it harms them. I am less inclined to put the task which they would need done in my list of to do tasks. They are more likely to hear the word which I so want to avoid using, from me. I'm more likely next time to tell them .. i'm too busy :)

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