Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Success ?

Success is a credo that all respect. But who's to judge what constitutes success. A friend has posted on his facebook that he's finally achieved it all. I know him well. I see that from a point of view he has.. money, fame, recognition.. yes could be defined as success.

For me success seems to have a different flavor. Consider my day yesterday, I'm sitting lonely nary a sip of tea or bite of food .. through the day. Wrote a short essay on nature. Enjoyed the new realisation regarding Man's relationship with nature ~ vis-a-vis Parasitic as against Symbiotic.. Success?
Worked on a proposal for another friend, he said it should be such that it makes it a no brainer and his plan gets approved immediately. I submitted it to him.. he took his time, then reverted to me.. yes it was as he expected, requested me to forgo any credit for the plan.. he'd submit it under his name ~ sure I agreed.. another favor done, a satisfied friend, fullfilled relationship.. success?
Started working on plan for my dream project for the nth time. Had been promising my partner that I was working on it since 15 days. Hadn't written a word. Quite unlike me. The deadlock was due to the fact that I'd done one version of it already. It was deemed not quite ok. I knew the idea's were fresh. The concept was genuine. It was not getting rejected on substance rather on the presentation. However to have ones idea's disconsidered. To have the substance overlooked hurts. To redo it was difficult. Was hitting a writers block everytime I tried it. I could do everything but that it seemed. Lemme spend hours writing million other proposals, it was absolutely no problem. But that one thing which I had to simply do at any cost.. was not happening. Finally started on it again. Opened a fresh document. Started writing. Liked what I came up with. A pradigm shift to approach of our industry. A new way of looking at things leading to obvious conclusions for future action. Executive summary done I decided to reward myself. Was already 9pm. Decided to cook chicken biryani. Tandoori chicken. Even barbequed the chicken rather then baking in oven. Went whole hog. 1 AM. Food was delicious. Executive Summary had showed me the way. Success?

Success takes many forms. Many people yearn for it as a goal. A mission to accomplish. This is one way of looking at it. I hope to look at it a bit different. Day at a time. Task at a time.

Today's success ~ woke up late. Naqiyah's piano lesson in 3 hours. Attacked the project plan again. Finished off 30 pages in 3 hours. Looked good. Success! With Naqiyah to music school, she played happy birthday tune first two lines, more importantly enjoyed the Teacher's rendition of 'Give me some sunshine', I believe finally fully appreciated what magic performing, playing music can be.. Success! Went swimming, she surprised me by swimming whole lenght of the pool, unaided, unexpected... she can swim now ! Success!!! Turned around and asked me "IMPRESSED?" I was too taken aback to answer.. such maturity from 5 year old was unexpected.. my little baby is growing up fast and I'm around to capture and record the moments! Success!! Had to reward her. She'd been looking forward to a story in which Naqiyah gets trapped in Killer Whales stomach.. Had reminded me many many times. I had to make it good. Pressure is not good when i'm making up impromptue stories. Made her laugh. Many times.. She enjoyed it. Truely satisfied. SUCCESS!!!

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