Saturday, August 21, 2010

Colored objects - friends

Just had a two hour Chat with Bindi, 3 am my time.. should make it between 2:30 and 4:30 am her time.. Deep night..the time when the world is sleeping and moon reigns over her silent domain. In depth of the night where we recoup and recuperate our energies, lost to the world, in touch with our deepest feelings and desires, communing and communicating with our souls, were us.. me and bindi, awake.. interacting.. sacrificing the ethereal, to fulfill the calling of the bond.. that is very real.

Maybe she was a bit tired.. did make some noises , Gym, housework, outing for a movie, drinking with friends over at her place.. the usual stuff.. nd really I did not expect her to keep her promise to be online after she’d be back from her movie. But she was, and she did. Nd I realized I hated the word friend. Its too generic, too general. As I told her.. calling her a friend, is like calling referring to a rainbow and a rock in the same way, yeah, the rainbow is a colored object you see in sky, and yeah a rock.. that’s a colored object too.. All colored objects.. rainbows , rocks, flowers and trees, birds and bees,…. All colored objects, all friends.. so where’s the differentiation. Hope you know what I mean.

This colored object stayedup at night to chat with me, far far away, but yet so close maybe because she sensed, that I was a bit lonely and needed her… and for me, for the lack of any other words, I’d say.. she’s a friend.. a good one at that for sure.. but a friend.

Talking about colored objects, I was pleasantly surprised this week by 2 more.. One of whom found me after maybe 20+ years of having lost touch. Zahabia touched my life for a short time, but made a deep impression, when we were mere teens.. still growing, in Malad at my grandmom’s place where we happened to meet. 20+ years hence she connected with me, mother of twins, staying inexplicably in Dubai, just as I am, on facebook and I don’t know what to talk to her!

Second one is Zebun, whom I happened to trace. My memories 15 years past, of a philosophy student, bubbling with theories and ideas, standing at bus stop or sitting in canteen, or even at her place in colaba, or visiting Jehangir art gallery together.. We shared an eclectic tastes. Nerds is the word that comes to my mind. She used to refer to my theory of human existence as ‘theory of Man as Chemico Physio being devoid of a soul – perhaps’ . But we shared a bond. A deep bond. Then she moved off to Andoman Nicobar of all places, and we lost touch. I remember a letter, painstakingly typed out on a type writer which I’d gotten hold of in Malad, never posted – perhaps. I found her on FB. Mother of two children. A teacher, Again I don’t know what to say to her…

So these objects come in various hues and shades, dark or bright, lasting or about to wear off at first wash, deep and somber or gray and light.. and ofcourse these colored objects.. of various hues and intensity , of myriad flavors, the reds, the blues, violets and the grays, the blacks and the whites, the pinks and the magentas , the earthy browns, and the sky blues… we sweep them all into one term.. friends..

Sounds inexplicable to me.. is human language , is english language, at such a loss for word sounds?

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