Ladies, Gents and countrymen.... life is not about living. It is about experiencing. That is what I'm wont to do. I experience, indulge, inculcate, imbibe, aquaint, apply. Rather voluptuosly so. I immerse myself daily in the stream of happenstance.
Yes, happenstance, that's what I feel, my hour to next hour is guided by. A friend happens to call, we happen to meet, we happen to go to a mall, we happen to make a plan to setup some businesses and companies.. Plans present, plans for future. Read, write, plan, argue, think, play, cook, drink, chat, learn, earn, love... life! That's today.
I go to dentist for Naqiyah, it happens to be in a new mall which I don't know about, I happen to visit Daiso ~ a Japanese chain super store, and happen to come across myriad thinga-ma-jigs and stuff which I didn't even know I ever wanted.. and buy, buy and buy.. indulge in orgy of consumer.. Happenstance. I use those things today.. create a case for why a canvas & and easel would make perfect gifting idea for BMW.. why Chinese style top, which is tossed in air rather than on ground, is perfect gift idea for banks and companies wanting to showcase excellence and performance and create an impromptu presentation and case for corporate gifting company that world is waiting for. Happenstance. From Japanese style kite, to solid steel soap, to train set that is my childhood dream come true. Possesed. Exhibited. Used. Applied. Happenstances all!
From a day to the next.. from moment to next, I live by happenstance. I amuse myself wondering what I will be doing next. Because as things are at present, I actually don't usually know.
That's why I take Siesta from the blogging. Not because I've nothing to say. People who know me, know painfully all too well... I always have something to say!
So to give them all a break ~ and make the blog seem less like puke or garbage dump of daily happenstances and incidences..I resist the urge...
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