Friday, June 18, 2010

A note of caution

While the earlier post is all positive.. there is some realization that has burdened my heart with fear of doom and gloom since morn.

World is getting more and extremely polarised. World realpolitik is becoming ever murkier and I think bodes not well for future. Consider the following recent news and alliances -

US has openly warned Turkey to stop pushing for holding Isreal to account Isreal's attack on Gaza Aid ships and their killings of activists in international sea! This after Barak having stated he was sorry for the attack. US infact has told Turkey that Turkey has never aligned with western interests inspite of being part of Nato ( I would very much like to know how western insterests are aligned with Isreal's actions) Considering that Isreal's a non NPT nuclear state. Is a radical state with religion and ethnicity for its foundation and as part of its constitution, a constitution that supports not human rights and equality rather religion and superiority of a group of people over others based on their belief system. This bodes very very badly for future. Turkey is not a weak nation. It is a resurgent nation which is one Islamic country which has stayed consistantly on a secular path. US is acting irresponsibly.

Similarly China is acting worse than so. Their support for Pakistan's nuclear program - the one country where nuclear trigger is in hands of army rather than in the hands of Civilian elected authority is beyond belief. India is ofcourse concerned and should be. China's action are self limiting. India and China togather can create enough momentum to change the future equation of wealth distribution and inequality world over. Apart and at logger heads, two of the most populous countries in the world are making the world a worse place for our children to inherit. Pakistan currently is a nation in turmoil. Its religious identity and constitution is its undoing. Ahmedi commuity's mosque was brutally attacked recently with scores killed in random killing by some Gunmen. I was at a pakistani client's place. And the mention came up of this incident. Immediately his first comment was "Ahmedi's are not muslims ofcourse"... this statement shows the core of his belief. People are who they say they are. But for this guy muslim is who he agrees is a muslim. Hence Ahmedi's , bahai's and tons of minorities are repressed in Pakistan. It can never be a proper nation with this kind of fundamentalist thinking. China supporting Pakistan may be some sort of stupid strategic role play and games by some bureaucrats. In reality it is worst thing for the future of even China ( Consider Xinjiang and recent Urmuqi unrest). Fundamentalists can never be anyone's friends... China should know that by now!

Russia came out openly critical of the Europe and US over sanctions against Iran. Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy is moot question here. The issue at stake is its lack of transparency and unclear intentions. Issue is its stated goal of wanting to ELIMINATE ISREAL from face of the earth. Issue is its despotic religious regime who very much suppress their own people as well. Iranian's are lovely people with modern outlook and winning ways. Iran is a prison state where its own people have no freedom to express themselves as they wish. Russian support in its favor is Oil & Gas politics. Ahmedinajad infact openly warned Russia not to support sanctions against it. Seems Russian's chose cowards way of self interest and short term short sighted world view. After all hawks everywhere tend to be the same! and Russia is in hands of hawks so is Iran and Pakistan and Isreal. Russia also refused to use its considerable influence and force for acting assistance in Khyrgystan even after the govt. itself requested it. In past they had been the ones who had stopped ethinic conflict here. Their influence is not inconsiderable. They can do so again! Think of 100,000 already displaced and hundreds killed and more being slaughtered. ( Since this blog i've come to realise that Russia infact sided with UN sactions but is against unilateral additional sanctions advocated by EU and US.. I fully comprehend and agree with Russian stance.. we are going towards same path of attack on Iraq with this. UN Sec Council should be adequete and sufficiant means towards dealing with all issues. Russian actions in this case are to be applauded no matter what their motives, I stand corrected)

Also continuing Chinese support of North Korea is questionable. They forget that their political goals have human costs.. millions of starving, humans living in slave conditions .. an entire nation bent to the will of one despot.. this is the result of their support. Same so for India's support of Burma... Needless to mention Europe and US's support for Isreali blockade of Gaza.

Things seemed to be looking up a while back. Resurgent confident China proving as an engine of prosperity and growth in spite of huge population. India with stable economic outlook and seemingly sensible party at the helm with statesmen like Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram etc Obama the shining light of murky US politics winning the post of worlds most powerful Man.. Turkey looking east as well after decades of looking westwards and proving to be a catalyst to stability in region (take kurdistan, armenia, iran et al)

But I think humans have base need for conflict. Prosperity without control and power doesn't appeal to lot of humans. Idea of one truth above others still holds the sway. This idea has to be given up. Else future looks bleak as of now. I fear for me and mine.

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